Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Give a clear escape route with fire exit LED

Fire safety should be the first point everyone who is planning to construct a new building or thinking to renew the security plans for the occupants and visitors. Most of the people are going towards the upgraded version of emergency lights which are named as LED lights. A light-emitting diode is an advanced strategy for providing safety to the people in the emergency conditions giving them the safer escape. These exit lights are designed in such a way that they perform efficiently in both day and night time. The most important reason for choosing LED over other emergency lights is that they last longer and require less maintenance. Fire exit LED have been in the market for the last 50 years but its demand increases when the people came to know about its efficiency and durability. Read the below blog and get to know why fire exit LED have taken place of emergency lights. 

Why choose LED fire emergency lights? 
Following are the reasons that would explain the benefits of choosing fire exit led lights: 
  1. Fire exit LED lights are efficient than other options in the market. The reason behind this is that these lights function with the mechanism of electroluminescence, in which the electrons are combined with electron holes upon switching the main switch. These are not compiled of a filament which is burned to produce light, and no heat is produced during their functioning. 
  2. LEDs are thin in shape and lighter in weight, which makes it more economical and efficient choice for fire exit signs. These consume less energy (about 30%) than incandescent bulbs. 
  3. These can be controlled digitally and gives a low-temperature performance which is the important reason making LEDs more efficient than incandescent bulbs.  
  4. The lifespan of LED lights is more than other bulbs about 50 times longer which reduces the frequency of changing the bulbs. 
  5. LEDs give more brightness than other bulbs as lightning is more important when it comes to handling an emergency condition especially for escaping purpose when the corridor is full of darkness. 
  6. These do not contain any heating filament, therefore need for maintenance is not required frequently and can be the best option for long run use. 
Get the good quality fire exit LED lights for your buildings to assure the easy escape from the fire situation. When you are looking for the fire exit led, you must visit Qutak Security Devices for ensured and highest quality fire exit lights for every corner of your building. The professionals at Qutak are involved in solving queries for your safety issues and design the exit signs as per your requirements and need. Qutak is one among the leading manufacturing companies for designing and selling the highest quality Security Devices to provide the people with assured safety. Qutak is also engaged in serving its clients for other variety of security devices such as fire alarm panels, fire detectors, burglar alarms, hooters, signages, and so on.

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